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9 Best WordPress Caching Plugins To Boost Your Website Speed In 2022

WordPress Caching Plugins

WordPress is now one of the best website development platforms. Majority of developers want to work on this platform. It is easy to use, maintain, manage and update as compared to other platforms.

Along with this, it is secure as well. Thanks to a wide variety of plugins and themes made available by WordPress. You can give your website as many functionalities as you want with the use of plugins.

Loading speed of your website can also be augmented with the use of cache plugins. So, in this post, we are going to discuss best WordPress caching plugins.

Nowadays, WordPress themes are also coded with the optimized code so that your website will load faster. But, it is always good to make use of cache plugins. So, here we go with the list of best WordPress caching plugins.

Best WordPress caching plugins 2022

1. WP Fastest cache:

It is one of the best WordPress plugins and it is available for free. This plugin creates static HTML files from the dynamically generated WordPress website. Some of the features of this plugins are as given.

From the options page, admin can delete all the cached files. Can decrease the size of pages and HTML files. This plugin reduces the use of PHP and MySql. As a result, it reduces the use of CPU and RAM. So, many resources are not in use that is the reason page loads faster.

2. W3 total Cache:

This plugin enhances the on-page speed of any WordPress website approximately by 20%. So, the average loading speed of website will reduce to 0.60 seconds.

It offers various features so, it is worth to use this plugin on your website. Provides mobile support with AMP(Accelerated mobile pages). Caching is made available for search results pages. 

Caching statistics for measuring performance insights are also made available. You can also enable or disable a feature by making use of a general box at the top of the page.

3. WP Rocket:

It has been installed by 100,000 websites. So, you can imagine, how much popular this plugin is? It has tested and found that it augments speed of website by 34.12%. It provides mobile detection, Multilingual Compatibility, and Multisite Compatibility.

Made available with a minimal configuration with instant results. It also optimizes the data along with Google fonts. Congenial with CloudFlare and DNS Prefetching. It provides Page Caching, Cache Pre-loading, and Sitemap Pre-loading.

4. WP Super cache:  

It does not matter your website is having how much traffic and load it will not let down your website. After installing this plugin in your website you will notice a reduction of 0.85 seconds in loading time.

But, the speed will be inflated by 28.07%. After doing so many tests it came to know that it is one of the best cache plugins and is a most downloaded plugin. It has been rated 4.2 stars out of 5.

As it is available for free so it provides limited support. It is highly useful and it also simplifies the user interface. Works at its optimum with the Content Delivery Network(CDN).

To increase response time and augments the overall page speed it uses compression on the web server to send compressed files. And, except it is highly featured cache plugin, it is much easy to install and set up.

5. Hyper Cache:

It is one of the best PHP WordPress caching plugins. Provided with a simple configuration interface, it effectively caches the sites with active users commenting and participating in discussions.

As per the GTmetrix testing, it enhances the speed by 13.75% and reduces the loading time by 0.45 seconds. Rated with 4.5 stars out of 5, this plugin is competent to tweak the theme on mobile device activation.

It is HTTPS ready and adapts to serve cached pages even to visitors who commented on the blog. To controls the cache used disk space, it provides auto clean feature. Also made available with CDN support. Mobile support with double cache for mobile site versions and desktops.

6. Comet cache:

It ensures speed without compromise and easy to configure. It delivers an expeditious reading experience to your visitors as it works by taking snapshots of your pages.

Comet cache is the successor to ZenCache and Quick Cache. It has been rated with 4 stars out of 5. It does not serve cached pages to the logged in users or the users who have commented recently.

The configuration of comet cache is simple and well-documented. Made available with HTTP referrer exclusion pattern and user agents. For cache files, it sets the automatic expiration time.

Comes along with a competent to cache or ignore URLs that contain query strings. Takes a real-time snapshot of every post, page, category, and link and caches them instinctively.

7. Cache Enabler:

It is one of the topnotch WordPress caching plugins. Spawns static HTML files which are then saved on the server’s hard disk. It allows users to serve webP images without JavaScript. webP is known as the web optimized images and it will be becoming popular soon.

It is a new image format provides lossless compression. With the use of this, you can see actual cache size in your dashboard. You can clear cache manually as well as in an automated manner. Disk cache engine of this plugin is efficient and fast.

8. Simple Cache:

Simple cache installed by more than 1000 websites. It secures 4.7 stars out of 5 stars.

As its name indicated it is one of the simplest WordPress caching plugins provided by WordPress. It reduces the load time to approx 0.75 seconds in GTmetrix test. And, the average speed inflating percent is 26.93%.

9. Cachify:

Till now cachify has more than 20,000 active installations. It has been rated 4.7 out of 5 stars. Works well with WordPress multisite installations. This plugin took an average of 0.78 seconds off the load time in GTmetrix tests. And, results in a speed improvement of 27.89%.

Wrap Up:

Now, you are now aware of best WordPress caching plugins. Each of them is optimum in their own way and functionality. Just you have to check your requirements and select the one based on that. Hope you enjoy reading this post.

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