How to Add Breadcrumbs to WordPress & Why It’s Important

Add breadcrumbs WordPress

If you are thinking what are breadcrumbs and how they are going to benefit me then you have landed on the right place. It often happens that the website owners come face to face on certain terms that they have no idea about.

Once such thing is breadcrumbs which are something that the website owners should ideally use for the website. These are navigational steps on the websites which are useful for visitors to get them to the right content.

This is commonly used by all e-commerce websites which want the customers to sail through easily. The process of adding breadcrumbs’ to the website is fairly easy. The users must first understand what it is before they move ahead.

What are breadcrumbs?

When you have made an online purchase then it is very likely that you have used breadcrumbs even if you have not noticed them. They are navigational links which are placed in a series to help the visitor connect one step to the other where they have navigated on one website.

These are standards navigational menus which are formed step by step showing a progression on the website. They form a link structure which shows a hierarchy from the first page to the next following a trail.

This is a series of pages one after the other creating a progression. If you have not clearly seen this then you can check out the next time visit any such site? You will notice that you are moving from one page to the other in a progressive manner.

This can simply be done using any popular e-commerce website even the ones that you have commonly used. Even when you are digging deep into the categories on these websites you can check these breadcrumbs at the top which will help you to immediately jump back or check the history.

What is the role of breadcrumbs and how are they important for your website?

Why are you even reading about it? You must know what benefits using these breadcrumbs will bring to your website. There are mainly two reasons why these are used- They help boast the SEO and they are easy to create clear navigation within the website.

Every website has a navigation menu which clearly defines what the users can choose but sometimes that is not enough and the users get confused when they land on the website as to where they should go next. The breadcrumbs change this whole structure and make navigation simple and easy.

You will understand the properties with the example of an online shopping site. The users who are shopping will go deep in the product description and brands etc. This will lead them in a deep hole within the website.

Now if they wish to come back then the navigation menu will not be very useful s it will bring them way back may be to the opening page in some cases. This way they lose the products they were viewing which is not something they were hoping for.

The customers find it easy to check which is the page they have already seen and then click on them to either revisit or new ones which make the most sense to them.

Every website that has heavy content which makes the navigation bar useless to backtrack uses breadcrumbs. When we extend it the breadcrumbs also make it easy for the search engine to navigate and thus make them SEO friendly.

The search engine can move along the navigation pages simply thus allowing them to rank the website higher in terms of structure and content.

When you are making a new website then you can include them by following the simple steps.

There are many WordPress themes which come with the breadcrumb feature and you can use them to create the website. This includes Total, Choices, My WordPress, Knowledge Base, SmartMag, Flatsome, Shopkeeper all of them have breadcrumbs feature.

It is now common that all e-commerce themes come with the feature. It is because they have realized the need and importance and thus have started to include them.

When you own a WordPress website then it is easy to add breadcrumbs by simply using a plug-in. If you already have a website then going back and changing the theme and creating a new one does not make sense.

This means that the WordPress plug-in can then become useful. Most of the website owners already have Yoast SEO if not it is already installed.

You can read what Yoast has to offer if you already do not know about it and then use it for the website. It has many additional features along with the option of breadcrumbs.

One you have Yoast then you need to activate the settings which have breadcrumbs option. This is not something which is a part of the default functions. You will have to start by going to the dashboard and click on the features tab.

There will be a list of option scroll down to the advanced setting options. Enable this option by clicking on the option. Post that goes to the SEO tab again and looks for the advanced tab clicks on it to move forward.

The breadcrumbs are the first option which will be first seen. You will have to enable them. Once this is done there will be many options that will be shown. Most of the options here are by default options. You can make changes or leave them as you deem fit.

Using the breadcrumbs feature will help you add many benefits to the website. It is primarily for this reason that it is so popular amongst so many website owners. Since the adding of the feature s also simple it is beneficial for all small and big business websites.

The article is designed with all the information which will be useful for all the new users. If there is any more information needed then one can use WordPress for the detailed understanding of the jargon used.