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Basics Of Creating A WordPress Landing Page

Creating A WordPress Landing Page

A website’s landing page is what gives a user the first impression of your website. If a landing page doesn’t hook a user and reels him in, it’s time to make some changes. There are many aspects to a great WordPress landing page.

The basics of creating a WordPress landing page include content, design, layout, user interface, and user experience among others.

But let’s cover as much as we can in this article so you can have an effective landing page that gives you the desired results.

1. Research

For any kind of work, research is the first step, even if it is building a landing page. The best way to learn what other websites are doing to get more traffic is to learn about their landing page.

You don’t need to do much either. Simply browse through several WordPress landing pages, particularly the popular ones. Analyze their pages and find common aspects with regard to design, colours, navigation, and user experience.

Now, take a look at your competitors’ websites. Check their WordPress landing pages and compare them to your notes made from early research. If you see similarities, you know they are doing it right.

2. Design

Since your website is built on WordPress, you will have the option to choose from thousands of themes. Some of the themes are brilliantly designed, keeping conversion in mind.

Some of the more popular themes that support a good WordPress landing page are Pin Minimal Pro, Charity, Correct minimal WordPress theme among others.

A landing page’s design makes or breaks a website. Imagine a large gaudy pop-up as soon as you land on a website. Or imagine not being able to find the contact us button.

These are absolute downers for your website. A landing page should be clean, uncluttered, and fresh looking so users are drawn into it instantly.

Don’t be afraid of empty spaces. They make a landing page look elegant and sophisticated. Many websites clutter their landing pages with unnecessary images, videos, and content that are very distracting to a user.

The intent of your landing page should be conversion. Conversions happen when the page is pleasing to the user and he or she stays on the page for long or makes a purchase if it’s an online store.

3. Contact Information Form

Speaking of conversion in our previous point, getting users’ information is key. Email marketing has turned out to be an effective way of reaching users.

With a landing page, you can have a pop-up that displays a contact information form. Users may fill the form out before moving on to the website.

Many of them fill out the form to get it out of their way, some may do it to receive newsletters, and others may simply choose to not fill it out.

Contact information form is helpful to increase your email list and user database. Now it’s a lot easier to send out newsletters, promotions, announcements, or discount codes to users.

4. Plugins for Landing Pages

It’s WordPress, so you know that they have plugins for everything you need. They have plugins for landing pages too. You don’t need to know any coding or programming knowledge to get yourself a great landing page with high conversions.

With the right WordPress plugin, you can create a stunning page that will keep users from bouncing off your website. Whether you want more leads, email information of users, subscribers, or more sales, there are plugins that will make your life easy.

Thrive Architect – This is a page builder plugin. It has a wide selection of WordPress landing page templates you can choose from and comes with a drag and drop editor to make things easy for you. You can also customize your WordPress landing page any way you want.

Another advantage of this plugin is that unlike many other plugins, this one is highly consistent with all its pages. There isn’t any disconnection from one with another. That’s why Thrive Architect is recommended to many.

Leadpages – With Leadpages, you will be able to create a great landing page. It is more than a simple plugin. You can even host your pages on its servers.

Leadpages also works very quickly, deploying your landing page quicker than other plugins. This one too has a drag and drop feature that makes customization possible.

Their premium account gives you more to work with. You will be able to run tests and increase conversions. But the free version works just as well.

Beaver Builder – This plugin gives you 30 templates to choose from. They’re all beautiful pages that will help your website get the best landing page. This one again has the drag and drop feature as well.

It also has a front-end visual editor so you can create custom landing pages that catch the user’s attention. The only catch is, you need to use their theme in order to use their plugin. Their theme itself is pretty basic. So make your decision wisely.

OptimizePress – This one is one of the more popular plugins that has been around for a while. You get a bundle with OptimizePress, which comes with a theme, a plugin, and a membership plugin.

You can customize your WordPress landing pages with their editing tool and create stunning pages. This one has many templates you can choose from. It has an advanced editor that gives you more control over your customizations so you can get to the granular level of them.

WordPress Landing pages on your website can look spectacular. From themes to plugins, there are several tools at your disposal that you can use to create a great looking and functioning landing page for your website. Many big Internet companies have used WordPress to create great landing pages for conversions.

You don’t need to be a web-designer to create a good page. You just need the right tools. And WordPress gives you those tools. An effective WordPress landing page is every marketer’s dream come true.

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