How to Create Sticky UI Elements in Your WordPress Website

Sticky UI Elements

Sticky elements are those fixed buttons on the webpage that does not move when the page is scrolled up or down. These are buttons, blocks, navigations, chats windows etc.

These plugins are used often to put something out and relevant right in front of the users. There are many users are against the use of sticky element as they propagate that these sticky elements interfere with the experience of the visitors.

It leads to a bad experience and has no known benefits. This statement can be argued as research has proven benefits from these elements given they were used right.

These sticky elements can lead to letterhead signups, social media likes or follow and other such action-oriented steps. The key is how one is using them and what the main purpose is.

If it is just a hindrance then it might be a bad experience if not then they will prove beneficial in long run. The use is becoming increasingly common in highly ranked websites that just shows how relevant these can be.

What is the Use of Sticky UI Element?

Before we directly jump to how to create them let’s find out how they are going to help any website. This will bring out if they need to your website/page or not.

The sticky UI element helps the website to effectively convey any important information. This helps the visitor to navigate easily through the site.

There are many visitors who in a test have accepted they like the sticky element on the side even though most of them could not successfully point out why.

Just to be fair, the UI element cannot just randomly be downloaded and put to use. The sticky element should be chosen after much thought and the ones that suit the interest should be created.

The way people get to a website has changed a lot, there is less number of people typing out a URL to get to where they want. Now social media is playing a major role in navigating the traffic to most of the sites.

This means that social media drives the whole thing a lot and the UI elements are mostly about these signups and follow which proves the point that it is an interesting maneuvering.

How to Create Sticky UI Elements?

As stated there are different elements that one will have to choose from. Let’s start with them one by one

1) Choose from the Menu:- This is one of the simplest and most wonderful sticky element. The idea that is behind this sticky note is to keep the menu list intact.

This means that even when the visitors scroll down they have the menu right on the screen. It can be placed anywhere as the web owners deem fit.

Like they can remain at the top or at the sides or even at the bottom. This will be more aesthetic dependent as the payout of the page and content placing should not be negatively affected to this kind of placing.

2) Sticky Email Signups:- It is no surprise that the best way to reach the audience is with the help of an email. Email is more likely to bring the audience to the website than social posts as there is less distraction in an email.

Now having a list of quality subscribers is an important step which will take the business to the next level. The sticky UI elements have made this task a lot easier.

There are a lot of ways in which a visitor can be motivated to signup for the mailing list. The best so far is the Twelveskip style of having the option on the top with a clear message.

This is right in front but does not interfere with the rest of the content. This makes visitors tempted to keep in touch and sign up quickly.

The place is not that important it can be on the sides as well but the important thing is to have it placed in a way that visitors’ act on it.

Placing it on all pages is also not harmful because having the whole list is important and thus that extra effort will be counted.

3) Sticky Ads:- The websites which are looking for revenue generation through ads have to think about placing them right.

It may be that the website owners and visitors both do not like those ads on the page but still have to put them there. They are an integral part of digital marketing and essential for keeping up with the cost.

Many websites keep it as a sticker on the side which does not go away when the reader scrolls down. This increased the conversion rate and hence will be profitable to the website in long run.

Of course, it should be done with moderation a lot of ads on each side interrupting the read is not a good option.

A few ads which are relevant to the content is a great way to not disturb the reader and get everything in place.

4) Creative Sticky UI Element:- This could mean a lot of work for you. Apart from the obvious things the sticky UI elements can be used for a lot of creative purposes. Creativity is shown on the website which makes the whole web experience highly interesting.

There is no limit to what one can do with the option, the sticky UI element can blur out when the user scrolls but still be there in the background. The list is limitless and thus the visitors should find what suit them the best.

There is no dearth of plugins and thus the website owners should find the one that is best suited for them. It should go well with the theme and should not hinder the content.

The best way is trial and error to find what works best for your website. Remember this is an additional support and the rest of the things should be the center. This means that the content should still be the kind and the other elements should be in place.