Nowadays, social media plays a vital role in increasing traffic to websites. Social media sites Facebook, Instagram, and other social platforms are used by many website owners for promoting their products. The ratio of people watching live video is augmenting day by day and now it has become 80%.
It means people prefer to watch video except for reading blog. This is one of the reasons why a platform like Youtube is much popular.
Also, you can take advantage of live videos streaming for Facebook marketing and other renowned social platforms. In this post, we are going to take a glimpse at some of the practices to do Facebook marketing.
1. Be credible:
It is one of the vital facets of maintaining your credibility while you are creating a live video. As in that, you cannot change whatever you have said so it is some kind of pressure to remain authentic.
And, as per a report authenticity is a key factor on which people decide to follow a brand. Along with authenticity, it is also crucial to be consistent throughout your video.
Consider, if your brand focuses on website design then you have to center your video on that aspect only. And, if you are adding something in between like a comical part then you have to complete it then start again.
2. A live interactive show:
You are aware of the fact that channels on Youtube are streaming videos at regular intervals. That is the reason why people subscribe to a channel and stay tuned with the channel for receiving regular updates.
You can do the same thing on Facebook marketing as well. You can share your website content at regular intervals by going online.
It will become intriguing for your visitors. Can also create a live video talk show and can answer the queries of your visitors. Facebook advises you to be live at least for 10 minutes. As a result, you can grab audience attention.
3. Exert influencer:
These days there is a trend of influencer marketing. In that, you have to hire an influencer marketer for doing the live marketing task. But, you have to make a wise selection for the influencer. By keeping in mind each and every minuscule aspect which you want from influencer marketing.
You also have to keep in mind that the influencer you are choosing is related to your industry in some way or other. In comparison to simply placing an ad, it is much effective. As you can reach to a larger audience by signing a contract with a renowned social influencer.
4. Present information exceptionally:
Whatever you are showing in your live video try to show that in a unique way. Or you can show people something where people cannot reach like a live concert which have high tickets.
A majority of people prefer to see shows in the cozy corner of their home without actually going at the physical location. This is the reason for the popularity of live streaming videos helps in Facebook marketing.
If you consider from the business perspective then a live show on local trends will be much helpful. This way you can do a pertinent research and then decide which of the video will attract a larger array of people.
5. Branding of videos:
It is recommended to create your video with some slogan. As you have seen many of the large organizations are using logo, slogan or some other element to make their brand memorable.
Like, you can take for example Puma it has a logo of a tiger. Similarly, you can brand your videos with the use of some slogans so it will be memorable for your audiences.
It also gives a positive impact on your audience and along with that helps to represent your brand credibility. Other crucial elements are your attire, color schemes and other minuscule things play a major role in reflecting your brand.
6. Organizing contest:
This is one of the best and most used strategies from the earlier times till now. This is used by a majority of businesses in order to upsurge their brand value and thus enhancing sales.
You can organize live contest videos in your Facebook Marketing as it would be intriguing for your audiences. It will keep the audience engaged with your video as it is most interesting to see who will be the winner. You can also give offers o your customers like gift cards, cash back and any other things like this.
7. Hook up your audience:
You have to use some unique techniques in order to keep your audience engaged with your live videos. One way is to make feel your audience that they are part of your show.
Some videos creators are able to keep the audience engaged with them as they do not forget to take audience view and always reply to comments of their audiences.
If you want to build your brand’s credibility then your first priority should be your audience. You have to treat them as if they are a part of your show.
8. Promotion of upcoming video:
It is much important to promote your live video. As it is not necessary that most of the people are aware of your upcoming live video. In order to make people aware of your live streaming video, you have to make a prior announcement.
You can post on your Facebook page details about your upcoming video. Like some of the shows have a schedule that they broadcast their show at regular intervals. And, maintaining consistency is one of the most vital aspects. So, you have to do a broadcast at regular intervals.
9. Tutorials creation:
One of the main reasons why people browse the internet is to gain some knowledge or to get an answer to some question. But, it totally depends on your business niche.
As creating a live video is not an easy task with the minimum time allotment. You can create your live session like a series and can give information by segmenting its different parts.
Wrap Up:
I have listed here some of the techniques you can use in your Facebook marketing live videos. Listed techniques will surely give you expected results. Hope you like reading this post.