How to Manage All Your WordPress Sites With One Tool

Manage Multiple WordPress Sites

When you have taken your business online there are so many multiple tasks that you have to take care of. It may sometimes feel troublesome and often confusing to manage so many different platforms to manage the sites that you own.

Doing this is not an easy task and even with the friendly user-interface, the website owners find it difficult to manage these different tasks. There are so many things which is required to keep a website up and running.

There are updates to be maintained, plugins to be managed, themes to be used, content to be created, comments to be moderated and above all managing them on a regular basis is tiring just to hear about it.

It is not the hardest to do all these but it sure is time consuming and when you know that you have a business to run along with this it is enough to give you nightmare.

Now think about the same and imagine you have to get involved in these activities with many such sites. You will be logging in and out of these sites and then making the necessary updates and changes wasting a lot of time.

The good news is that the platforms who provide supportive services to the website owners have realized their struggle and hence there are many tools that are available to these website owners which will  allow to manage multiple WordPress sites with One tool from one location.

The use of just a single tool will ensure that all the different aspect of website management are catered to and multiple websites can be added to this single platform.

The features that the tools must provide are

Managing login details – which mean the ability to save login details of various sites which can be easy, accessed using one window.

Update Management – which means updating plug-ins, themes, etc from one platform

User Management– which means managing user accounts and information from different sites

Installation– allowing installing, enabling and disabling of plugins on the entire site.

These are the minimum which tools provide you must look for additional features before making a final decision on which tool will be suited for you.

You will have to compare the services that you already have, like if you have backup services then you will not have to think about creating another one with a tool which offers the same.

Look for something new something additional to what you already have when you pick the right tool for the site.

The tools often have limitation to the number of sites they will cater to for free. You have to analyze your needs based on these.

If there are limited sites then you have to find out how many would you require in the future. You have to realize that there is a cost associated with managing more sites when the limited number is crossed and thus you should analyze if the cost is worth it.

Users should also give a thought to the ease of use. The tools are sometimes difficult to use and this makes managing them through different medium look a lot easier.

Tools that allow management from a single platform

ManageWP:- This is the most popular solution for them all. WordPress has never left a single stone unturned to help its users and ManageWP is another name in the list.

It was the first such tool available to the users and has maintained a strong position. You get to access all your website using one platform and this allows the normal maintenance tasks to be done using the same.

Just from simple update to deleting stuff, everything can be done for different sites from one dashboard. There is also Google Analytics integration which is the ability to clone websites or set up new sites.

It is of course, user-friendly and has a great support system for the users. Also, it is free for unlimited sites which mean it is the best pick of them all.

WP Remote:- Monitoring unlimited websites using the single platform is what WP Remote enables you to do. It allows you to update the WordPress and its components with a single click.

The users can benefit from the automatic updates option which allows the users not to worry about making regular updates. It comes with a user-friendly interface and uses an API to manage multiple WordPress sites.

The site is free for use and there are no hidden charges that the users need to worry about. The features all explicitly listed right there and there is nothing which can be added, so you get what you see.

Jetpack Manage:- This one also allows managing multiple sites using one single platform. The dashboard inside allows administration of all these websites.

Plugin installation, activation, and managing content can all be done using a central location. It is also free but is limited in its features. It is easy to start and when you have it on the site it is best that this service is used which involves no cost.

CMS Commander:- This one allows you to manage multiple WordPress sites all the repetitive task in one go. The tools allow all updates in one shot and also give a quick overview of the websites.

There is bulk posting for several sites and it is quick in managing and scheduling content. This one comes with Google PageSpeed Insights information and manages a lot of backend work.

It is easy to use and has a similar interface like WordPress which makes it easy for it to make it way around for the users.

This one, however, comes with a limitation of the number of sites to be added. The users can manage multiple WordPress sites just three free sites using this platform.

The ease of work which these tools provide has made them really popular. The website owners find it time-saving and since most of the tools have free services that become really profitable to use.

You must analyze the needs and go through the features for each of them before you pick one that suits you.