5 Simple Ways to Repair Broken WordPress Installation

Repair Broken WordPress Installation

The WordPress works on software and like any software it breaks down at some point or the other. This becomes an issue with the users as it creates a break in the process and also creates a lot of anxiety amongst the users.

There could be a lot of reason for which the WordPress Installation process becomes broken. When the users find out what is the reason for the break then it becomes easy for them to change it and repair the same.

Since no owners would want the website to be down at any time as this will create huge issues for the image and the visitors. The users who are looking for ways to repair broken WordPress installation they should find the source carefully.

The users who will be dealing with the broken installation must first take a backup before they start anything.

The whole process will mean that the users might have to deal with a long process or sometimes really short process but this whole thing will mean that the data can be at a risk. The best way is to keep a backup which will ensure that the whole data is safe.

The installation of the WordPress can happen for many reasons and the users can make simple changes to ensure that the website which is created using the WordPress is sound and has all aspects which are required.

The cause, when identified, makes the rest of the process really easy. The user will have to check for the reason and there is some simple ways which these things can be fixed.

1) Disable Plugins

When any WordPress theme is used the users add plugins. The plugins add to the functionality of the website and hence they are used in such large number.

If the users add these plugins they are sometimes at the risk of some unexpected issues. These issues could be problems related to the access to the admin page where this page shows nothing but a white screen which blocks the access.

Another common issue is the speed of the loading of the pages. There are times when the public facing pages also show messages.

Users can make changes to these issues by simply disabling these plugins. This can be done by visiting the admin screen select these all and then disable them. The users will then need to check if the problem is resolved after the plugins are disabled.

If it happens then it means that the issue was because of the plugin and then the user must enable them all and start the disable process one by one. This will allow them to check and disable the plugin which was causing the issue.

When the users are getting the access to the plugin page then they can go to the FTP page and rename the plugin folder.

This is done as when the user will try to load the plugin page then the page will not be able to locate the plug-in and will de-activate the plugins.

Renaming is the process which will bring back the folder and keep them deactivated. The process of finding the right plugin is time taking.

The user must keep on going until they find the plugin with the issue, it is up to them to then deactivate or remove the plugin. In certain case, there is an update available which will solve the issue.

2) Reinstall WordPress

The issues can be due to some break in the installation process. When this is the reason then the user can reinstall the WordPress properly to resolve the problem.

This can be done by going to Tools and then upgrading and selecting re-install option. The WordPress will use the built0in updater that will re-install the files and will not make any changes to the plugins or themes.

If you are not able to use the built-in file for any reason the one can use the FTP file for reinstallation.

The only thing that must be kept in mind is not to overwrite the WP-content- this is because it contains the theme, uploads, and the plugins. The user must also delete the old files first and then upload the new ones.

3) Scan the Configuration File

The users who are using the files and see a message of error that reads- cannot connect to the database, then the users can connect to the site using FTP.

The user must check the wp-config.php file to ensure that the password, username and database name is correct.

The names which are correct yet shows some errors should be checked with the hosting service. The users will get to know if there are any database related issues and if there are any changes required.

4) Check the Database Table

The users also face a situation when the problems are not related to the plugin or the core WordPress files.

When this is the situation then the repair can be done with the help of the database tables using the phpMyAdmin. The user can log-in to the database using phpMyAdmin and then check the database tables.

At this stage, the user must choose repair and then optimize the whole thing. The hosting provider will help on the access to the admin page.

There are a lot of supporting documentation for the WordPress users who can check this to follow simple and easy steps for change.

5) What Else is Wrong?

The problems if they still purists means that there is something which is beyond the user’s management and they should now use the support of WordPress forums.

These are great forums which have experts who can help the users with specific problems. The users must share these problems as there will be someone who must have been through these problems and they might have a solution to it. This will make it easy to find a simple solution in less time.

WordPress is a user-friendly blogging platform and it makes all efforts to make sure that the problems are resolved in simple time.