Small Business WordPress Themes for Small Enterprises and Startup

Small Business WordPress themes

We have gathered a list of most prominent small business WordPress themes in this article and presenting them to you.

So that you can select one of them for your next small business website.

Any business as per its turnover mostly or by its size of employees is termed as large, medium or small business. By definition it means any business which employees less than 100 employees is supposed to be a small business.

However with changing times and with change of dynamics in industries from manufacturing to service industry the number of employees focus has changed to the turnover.

Now companies with even less than 100 employees but with more turnover can outsource and give their work to someone else and get it done hence they aren’t considered a small business.

Small Business WordPress Themes for Small Enterprises and Startup

Secure Pro

Security Guard WordPress Theme


Although created for security company this is a nice addition in the list of small business WordPress themes as it is one of the best choices for a small business. Can be interchanged in terms of color, font, images and text.

It can be used to have your own layouts because it is built using SKT Page Builder and hence inner pages can be built as per your own choice. Plus gives ample header, footer and sidebar options and layout styles.

Laptop Repair Pro

Laptop Repair WordPress Theme


Another superb theme which has extensive layout and features and can be used as a multipurpose template for any type of business.

Although has been posted initially for repair and computer shops but can be used due to its call to action methods and areas for any type of business. Colors, images, text and fonts can be changed.

SKT Consulting Pro

SKT Consulting Pro WordPress Theme


Nice one and best in terms of design and look and feel. Modern looking template to present your information, services and products.


Gravida WordPress Theme


Corporate styled can be used to create wonderful business websites and the green color looks authentic and can be changed with any other color due to color picker provided within the theme options.

Simple and easy to use and maintain comes with SKT Page Builder.

Business Consulting

Business Consulting WordPress Theme


As the name suggests for doing any business you need consultation from professionals like interior, architect, doctor, lawyer, chartered accountant, business profiler and management guru, financial asset planner and several other such individuals.

Those businesses also need to be listed and need to flaunt their profile online and this theme is the answer for them.


CoWorking WordPress Theme


Coworking although is created for profiles related to office spaces and cowork office space but is a good addition in small business WordPress themes list because it is simple and easy to use and images can be changed to suit the needs and effects of the business to be marketed.


SKT SEO WordPress Theme


Without marketing all businesses will die and hence the marketing template for marketing companies has been also added to this long list of themes. It is simple and easy to use and comes with its tools and sets of features.

SKT Banking

SKT Banking WordPress Theme


Simple to handle and use it can be used for some serious business including banking and can be attached to login and membership portals as well since it is compatible with membership plugins as well.




Looks really good and the blue and white color seems like an authentic business website and feels good as a corporate presenting their information in the best possible way.

Simple and elegant style appeals to all and focusses majorly on the information yet driving them through the info because of the design aesthetics being used.

A small business is usually nowadays considered companies with less than 20 employees and considerable less turnover.

There are varied types of small businesses like private business, proprietorship, owned corporations etc.

There are a lot of industries and types of small businesses and hence for each type of business there are lots of players and competitors who are already doing the work for years in this market.

Then how come you will get new tasks and work if you do not advertise.

One way of advertising is offline medium but for each type of advertising medium it is important that you lead them to your website.

Why website? Because website can tell in short summarize what your company does and how its better than most competitors and how it has the cost advantage or quality advantage or the USP above other competitors.

Thus a website can generate more sales and revenue for you and lead you to more income as well.

Hence any small business which are just starting and entering an industry should obviously focus on having a small business WordPress themes based website because WordPress CMS is numero uno CMS and is being used by top companies.

Above all to manage and maintain the WordPress CMS based websites it does not take any prior coding knowledge or HTML experience.

Hence the cost to maintain and provide maintenance fees to a developer or designer reduces.

Here we are presenting the ones we think are the better ones out of the many small business WordPress themes so that one can choose out of them as per their requirements and preferences and select the ones which are better as per their needs and use them.

Small Business websites are mostly targeting sales and revenue and hence call to action is required because they are still not a brand in itself and hence they would want people to focus on either contacting them.

Click on sales page or products page to check the range and then connect with them via contact form or via phone call or by visiting them in their location if they are a local.

Hence it is important that such websites have the facility of hosting phone number, buttons which are clickable and for inner pages with sidebar having call to action items.

Social media links as well as location with Google map is also important and possible using any of our small business WordPress themes.

All of the templates are based on customizer so editing them is easy and live preview can be checked while doing the editing.