How To Add 301 Redirects To WordPress

[caption id="attachment_719" align="aligncenter" width="820"] image by[/caption] “Are you striving for how to add 301 redirects to WordPress”? These dandy redirects are SEO friendly. These redirects are a way through which you can attract more traffic to your website in a number of ways. It is slightly troubling for many of the WordPress website users who are not much familiar. So, here we are going into the detailed discussion about the 301 redirects. Firstly we have to be very clear about the concept of redirect. Then it will become easy to understand 301 Redirects. What is Redirect? A redirect is an approach of sending search engines and users to a different URL except of that one which are actually requested

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How to Fix the Dreaded WordPress White Screen of Death

If you are using WordPress on a regular basis for your different purposes like for developing websites. If you are an ardent user of WordPress, then it may or may not be possible that you have experienced “white screen of death”. But if you have ever been experienced these issue, then you can understand how many problems it may cause to your data or whatever work you have done it may be lost due to this. It would be very irritating, while all of a sudden the screen becomes white while doing some of your important work like you are working on an important website, you are on the mid of your code, writing a blog post or doing image

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