9 Best Ways to Do (Live) Facebook Marketing For Your Brand

Facebook Marketing For your Brand

[caption id="attachment_1048" align="aligncenter" width="647"] Facebook-marketing[/caption] Nowadays, social media plays a vital role in increasing traffic to websites. Social media sites Facebook, Instagram, and other social platforms are used by many website owners for promoting their products. The ratio of people watching live video is augmenting day by day and now it has become 80%. It means people prefer to watch video except for reading blog. This is one of the reasons why a platform like Youtube is much popular. Also, you can take advantage of live videos streaming for Facebook marketing and other renowned social platforms. In this post, we are going to take a glimpse at some of the practices to do Facebook marketing. 1. Be credible: It is

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Why Designers Need To Learn To Code

It may be possible that it sounds pointless that web designers need to learn to code. Specifically, it sounds of no use when you are working in print design. But due to some reasons, it is a good idea to learn to code even for the designers. Firstly, learn to code it does not mean that you have to become a fully fledged developer. For designers, it is not mandatory to know each and every aspect of coding and all core technicalities. Web designers in India are very skillful, most of them know the basics of coding. Secondly, if you do not know to code then you never have a clear idea of coding the studio on which you are

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How To Get Content Ideas And Create Catchy Title For Your WordPress Blog

Content is most difficult and also an important part, which is required to attract more traffic to the WordPress themes based website or WordPress blog sites. To create content many points we have to keep in mind like; it will be relevant as per the given title of the website,it will not be confusing or ambiguous, it will be as per the requirement of the user. Nowadays content marketing has become an important aspect of marketing. Every content writer has some strategy for developing content but except the strategy some other things content writers have to focus on, are; how to make a headline which attracts more traffic, how impressive titles impact the traffic? So, basically in this title we

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How to Fix the Dreaded WordPress White Screen of Death

If you are using WordPress on a regular basis for your different purposes like for developing websites. If you are an ardent user of WordPress, then it may or may not be possible that you have experienced “white screen of death”. But if you have ever been experienced these issue, then you can understand how many problems it may cause to your data or whatever work you have done it may be lost due to this. It would be very irritating, while all of a sudden the screen becomes white while doing some of your important work like you are working on an important website, you are on the mid of your code, writing a blog post or doing image

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What do you know (and not know) about E-commerce trends for WordPress website

It is good that sometimes you take knowledge of what is happening around the world, what technological changes are taking place around us. If we want that our business will keep on moving with the changing technological environment, environmental scanning is the best way to get the things in place. There is a drastic progress in e-commerce WordPress themes these days. So let us discuss some of the trends about E-commerce for the WordPress website. 1. Top 4 digital content categories 2. Devices driving E-commerce traffic 3. Platform people are using for their online store 4. Artificial Intelligence: Chat-bots 5. Woocommerce 6. Sell Downloads 7. A Smart reporter for Woocommerce and WP e-commerce 8. Instant marketplace for WordPress Now, let

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How to Translate Your WordPress Themes Using Loco Translate

Anyone can take advantage of the WordPress themes which provides flexibility and lots of features. But if you do not know the English language then it is going to be very difficult for you to use the themes provided by WordPress as all of them are available in English language only. Due to this problem those people who do not know English it is difficult or not even possible for them to use that themes. Most of the themes and plugins have not been developed in any other native language. Due to this, they are not capable of using the premium and free facility provided by the WordPress as they cannot able to read the documentation part of that. But

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Common Web Design Mistakes And How to Avoid Them

web design

Web design has evolved over the years from a plain canvas wall with text and pixel images to the kind that helps increase conversion and improve business. With WordPress themes, people have been able to build stunning websites even without any coding knowledge. The website building game changed all together. Designs were ready-made and even tailor-made according to your requirements, thanks to the thousands of themes available on WordPress. You would think with all these amazing tools available, one can build a foolproof website with the best design possible. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case. There are several common web design mistakes made even today. But there are solutions to everything. More than having solutions though, there are ways you can

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All You Need to Know About Responsive Design for WordPress

Responsive Design for WordPress

Web design is the most important aspect of any website. An effective design will help with SEO, user retention, user engagement, low bounce rate, and many such important goals a website needs to achieve. Coming to the part of achieving goals for your website, responsive design is a key element to get there. What is a responsive design? A responsive web design is one where a webpage responds to a particular device it is seen on. In other words, it resizes itself according to the device it is opened on. Gone are the days when designers made a one size fits all kind of design. Today, you have got to have a design that fits various devices like laptops, PC,

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How to Make a WordPress Website – Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners


If you are a beginner and want to set up a WordPress website, you must first understand what a content management system is. It’s very easy to learn how to make a WordPress website with a step-by-step guide for beginners. Content management system, as its name suggests, is a platform that allows you to create and publish content on a website. If your content is cake, then a content management system is the cake stand. Here will now look at a step-by-step guide for beginners to set up their WordPress website. 1. Choosing the Right Content Management System Whichever hosting service you choose, it is important to choose the right content management system. WordPress is the ideal content management system

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How to Optimize WordPress Videos for SEO

Optimize WordPress Videos for SEO

WordPress websites have several advantages over websites built on other platforms. One of the most important advantages is that it is SEO friendly. What does it mean? It means that your WordPress website has a higher chance of getting picked up and ranked by search engines. There are a number of parameters to meet before that can happen. With the right steps, your website can adhere to those parameters and find itself on popular search engine pages. With an ocean of websites out there, it’s unpredictable as to which ones will show up on the search engine result pages. That’s why WordPress has come up with various techniques, so your website has an edge over others. It’s not a one-time

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